

The Swiss Society for Occupational Hygiene (SSOH) promotes occupational hygiene through the professional activities of its members, and through the exchange of information and knowledge between members and with other occupational health and safety specialists.

SSOH promotes the interests of its members in the field of occupational hygiene. This is done through cooperation with the umbrella association Suissepro, at meetings with SUVA and SECO, and through statements on public consultations.
It participates in the promotion of occupational hygiene by contributing to the growth of knowledge in professional practice and disseminating this knowledge through the exchange of specialists and other experts. It regularly informs about innovations in the field of occupational hygiene.
SSOH can comment on current problems in legislation and the practice of occupational hygiene, e.g. through consultations on amendments to guidelines or laws.
Finally, it works closely with the authorities and with other organisations and societies pursuing similar goals.

Statutes and rules

The tasks and operation of the SSOH and the Certification Committee (CCHT) are defined in the Articles of Association, which can be consulted below.
These statutes also set out the regulations on continuing education, detailing the requirements for a hygienist to maintain MSST/ASA or MSST/ASA SGAH certification.
Finally, these statutes also detail the occupational hygienist’s Code of Ethics to which every specialist wishing to become a member must adhere.


The Board is responsible for the management of the association. It is made up of the President (or two Co-Presidents), the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and other executive members whose number is adapted to the needs of the SSOH.
The role of the Executive Committee is as follows:
– To execute decisions resulting from the General Assembly.
– Preparation and execution of events serving the aims of the society.
– Decision on the admission of new members
– Appointment of honorary members (to be approved at the General Assembly).
– Responsible for upholding the Code of Ethics (proposal of exclusion of members for breach of the code of ethics – to be approved at the Annual General Assembly).
– Approval of donations from third parties
– Holding the Annual General Assembly
– Establishment of the list of certified “occupational physicians and other workplace safety experts” (MSST) SSOH and recognized MSST occupational hygienists
– Setting up secretarial services
– Management of appeals
– Publication and communication of non-exhaustive list of continuing training courses

Organizational Chart and Profiles

Ludovic Vieille-Petit



Thomas Eiche

Vice President (ad-interim) 


Burim Thaçi



Christophe Iseli



Capture d’écran 2024-05-04 à 09.39.57
Iris Schilling

Committee Member 


Capture d’écran 2024-05-04 à 09.42.18
Kaspar Schmid

Committee Member 


Samantha Connell

Committee Member 


Capture d’écran 2024-05-04 à 09.44.20
Matthieu Perrenoud

Committee Member 


Working Groups

Working groups are set up by the Executive Board to support the organization in carrying out its tasks. The working groups are made up of members of the association and at least one member of the Executive Committee.
The Communications Working Group is responsible for the following tasks:
– Implementation of a Communications Strategy for the SSOH
– Evaluation of current and potential methods of communicating with members
– Informing members of networking and professional development opportunities
– Regularly publishing the latest news in the field of occupational hygiene
– Updating of and providing information for the SSOH website

The “PDC group” (Professional Development Courses) is responsible for the following tasks :
– Organization of 1 Exchange and Experience Day per year
– Organization of Professional Development Courses (PDCs)
– Collaboration on the Suissepro days
– Networking with other associations

Certification committee

The Commission for the Certification of Occupational Hygienists (CCHT) is an independent body of the SSOH Board and is responsible for the certification of occupational hygienists to the standards of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA). Its operation is described in the SSOH Articles of Association.
The CCHT is responsible for :
– Examine applications for the title of “Occupational hygienist ASA
cert. SSOH”. This includes organizing written examinations for candidates (once a year) and awarding the title.
– Examine applications for the “ASA Occupational Hygienist” title.
– Ensure that all requirements of the SSOH’s continuing education provisions are met.
– Make available to the SSOH Board of Directors, for publication, the information needed to manage the register of ASA cert. SSOH and ASA occupational hygienists.
– Act as a disciplinary body in the event of violations of the SSOH Code of Ethics.

The Certification Committee is made up of the following members:

Olivier FAVRE


Fabia Schläppi






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